Mahendra Singh Dhoni former Indian Skipper celebrated Christmas with family along with Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon and her rumoured boyfriend Kabir Bahia. For IPL 2025 MS Dhoni has been retained by IPL team Chennai Super Kings. Former India Skipper MS Dhoni turned Santa Claus for his Wife Sakshi, daughter Ziva as the whole family of Dhoni spent Christmas 2024 with close friends. Fully dressed in a Santa suit, Dhoni completed the look with boots and a long white beard. Dhoni wear a pair of yellow glasses to add a whimsy touch to the outfit.
Sakshi Singh Dhoni shared a bunch of images, in which the former skipper of Indian cricket team posed with his wife Sakshi and daughter Ziva in one picture while he hugged Ziva in another picture. Exhibiting a attractive decorated Christmas tree, it was decorated with ornaments, a star on top and placed the tree beside the window and white flowers.
For the moment, Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon and her rumoured boyfriend Kabir Bahia were also found during the celebrations. Kriti Sanon posted a photo of herself with MS Dhoni on her Instagram handle. Kabir Bahia, who is an United Kingdom based businessman shared a picture of the entire gang on his Instagram post which was reposted by Sanon.
However, from the picture it is still not clear at whose household the celebration took place.
(Image Credit : Instagram)
After taking retirement from International cricket in year 2019, Dhoni plays only in the Indian Premier League (IPL) for the team Chennai Super Kings (CSK). Actually, Dhoni is the only captain after Rohit Sharma to win five IPL titles. Many times IPL winning captain, who renounced captaincy before IPL 2024, will next be seen in IPL 2025, which will start on 14th March 2025. MS Dhoni was one out of five players to be retained by Chennai Super King for IPL 2025.