Home WWE & WRESTLING Biggest complaints with WWE Right Now

Biggest complaints with WWE Right Now


Fans of WWE was waiting for 2024 version of WWE where the company has found its voice again. Once this kind of evolution seemed impossible. The earlier of this century in WWE saw a steady decline in quality.

Fans called for more varied action and stars, the return of the “cool ” factor that made the Attitude Era special, and most focus a clearer respect for the talent who were doing everything in their power to make show more important. All Elite wrestling have frustration from birth is first true alternative to WWE programming since WCW was bought out in 2001.

Up to 2022 Fans was not start to see a new opportunity developing when Vince McMahon resigned from WWE. Triple H stepped in, and the rest is history. The Paul Levesque Era in WWE may have begun at Summerslam 2022, but it was officially declared at WrestleMania 40.

Seven biggest complaints about WWE currently and opportunities to fix them to keep the product on course for the best in the company history.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. After making a reputation as the grittier product, WWE won the Monday Night War and took the decision for homogenize the shows to open up the product to a younger audience.

In recent years the company has run one of the single greatest angles was The Rock’s heel turn and subsequent attacks on Cody Rhodes ahead of WrestleMania 40.

Cody Rhodes has faced conventional opponents in solid title bouts at premium live events with little fanfare which was delivered mostly familiar television. Perhaps this is reason The Rock was always the exception rather than the rule, backed up by reports from Dave Meltzer on Wrestling observer Radio that he was able to break rules no one else could due to his standing with TKO and the networks. As those rules are a problem, and we know every rule is made to be broken. Letting talent across the company break those rules at the right moment would set the standard that WWE is unpredictable again.