Home Football In 2024, Most popular Sports in The World (Ranked)

In 2024, Most popular Sports in The World (Ranked)

(Image Credit : IamVishant)

Some sports are so popular which you can find that games in almost every country. Here are the top five most watched sports on Earth. Out of all sports Soccer, or football as many call it, is the biggest one. Persons from all over the world watch big matches, specially the World Cup, encouraging for their favourite teams. Then, there is basketball, which has fans jumping with excitement with every dunk and three-pointer.

Cricket is a big game in countries like India, Australia, and England, where matches can last for days and bring everyone together. Like running and jumping (Tennis and athletics) are also Popular due to their thrilling competitions and superstar athletes.

These sports are famous because they are thrilling, bring people together, and may be played by anyone, anywhere.

Top 5 Popular Sports in the World in 2024

  1. Football (Soccer)
  2. Cricket
  3. Field Hockey
  4. Tennis
  5. Volleyball

Very Popular Sports in The World in 2024

Here are list of five most watched sports on the Earth, along with where their fan bases are located and which regions they are most popular. In all of sports in the world fan top favourite is Soccer or Football.

RankSport NameAmount of FansRegions
1Football (Soccer)3.5 BillionEurope, Africa, Asia, America
2Cricket2.5 BillionAsia, Australia, UK
3Hockey2 BillionEurope, Africa, Asia, Australia
4Tennis1 BillionEurope, Asia, America
5Volleyball900 MillionEurope, Australia, Asia, America
  1. Football is one of the most popular sports in all over the world. It has over 3.5 billion fans. It is also known as Soccer in many places. It is loved for its fast-paced action and thrilling gameplay.

Football has a very long history as it started over 3000 years ago with the Aztecs, who played a game called Tchatali using a rock as the ball. Earliest in China, around the second and third centuries BCE, people played the first known ball game called Cuju with a leather ball filled with feathers. In ancient other countries like Rome and Greece, people of that countries also played ball games, but not in major events. In Europe it becomes very popular and then spread to other parts of the world.

Estimated fans : 3.5 billion.

2. Cricket is an exciting game with a long history. It started in 13th century in England. It has 2.5 billion fans. It has large popularity in Asia, United Kingdom and Australia.

Estimated fans : 2.5 billion.

3. Field Hockey : It has started in 18th century England. According to people’s choice created their own versions of the game. Some of them are field hockey (played on grass or turf), street hockey (played on concrete), and roller hockey (played on roller skates).

Estimated fans : 2 billion.

4. Tennis : For people of all ages, Tennis is a favourite sport. There are so many reasons why tennis is so popular.

Estimated fans : 1 billion.

5. Volleyball : It is originated in America. It has 900 million fans worldwide.

Regional Popularity : Australia, Asia, America and Europe.