Home Olympics Paris Olympics :Everything you need to know about prize money

Paris Olympics :Everything you need to know about prize money

(Tony Estanguet pesident of Paris 2024 Olympics organizing committee Image credit :Reuters)

The Olympics are the highest level of many athlete’s careers and golden opportunity to perform on the world level for putting their names in the world history forever.

Olympic medals are- gold, silver and bronze- as well as the recognition that comes with them. But a financial reward isn’t necessarily a prize awarded to Olympic athletes in the past unlike many other professional sports.

In this article you will know about Peris Olympic 2024 athletes prize they will get.

In the Olympics the medals Gold, Silver and bronze haven’t always been made uniform. In the first modern Olympic games in 1896 winner was got an olive branch and a silver medal, an award which was first received by triple jump champion James B. Connolly of Massachusetts.

In the initial stage medals were designed to be pinned to an athlete’s chest, but in 1960,designed shifted to medal to be hung around the winner’s neck.

The 2024 design

In the Paris Olympic 2024 the each medal won by athletes will contain an original piece of the Eiffel Tower.

(Image source :Tessier/Reuters)

The Games originated as non-professional competition

Medals are highly sought-after accolades and if anybody receiving doesn’t come with any financial rewards directly from international Olympic committee(IOC) who is the organizer of the Games.

This is due to reason of Games originated as an non-professional competition planed to champion athletic success and the spirit of sports. Instead , the IOC spreads its money all over to further help the athletes along with development of sport.

The IOC told in a statement which is sent to CNN that ” The IOC redistributes 90% of all its income, in particular to the International Federations (IFs) and National Olympic committees(NOCs).

This means every day nearly $4.2 million goes to help athletes and sports corporation around the world at each level.

And according to a professor of law and ethics at Fordham university Gabelli school of Business Mr. Mark conrad that this model isn’t likely to change anytime soon.

Conrad told CNN ” I don’t see the day that all Olympic athletes will be paid by the IOC, because the IOC has never thought of them as a labour force- which in some ways they are, because they are providing entertainment for a mass audience as well as wanting to compete and win medals,”

But there are so many other direct methods for athletes for earn money through their victory at the Games.